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Hi Gorgeous Soul!

This is your opportunity to say YES to your "pinch-me-I'm-so-happy" life! I'm talking about... the dawning of you free-style diving into the depth of your own genius creativity and sharing gems with the world. Delicious financial freedom through that business & investments you've always envisioned, you sipping coffee by the pool in your dream home with your sweetheart & kiddos,  and going on those retreats you crave in Bali with amazing girlfriends!

And do you want to know where we begin?
This may seem backwards... but it's detaching from all of
those things MAKING you happy!

Pink Sugar

Hi! I'm Katie Awake. Energy reader, Spiritual Healer through the Peace of God, Sacred Marriage Guide and Abundance Mentor. You've landed here on my page because I have healed myself (with lots of grace from God) out of low self worth, past lifetime traumas of being in hiding as a healer and soul-destroying-codependency... into flourishing creatively, earning 10K months through my Soul Business and living in sync with my husbands creative flow too! I happen to be ridiculously driven to be - COMPLETELY FREE AS THE SOUL THAT I AM THROUGH GOD - and I'm wired to help you do the same. 

Watch this video to open your creative flow and abundance MORE ..

What is Flow of Creation
healing & coaching?

Each of us are meant to be toroidal, multi-rainbow colored, energy flowing beings.










From my perspective, these infinite colors of light, flowing through us all, is the energy of our Creative God Force. The flow gets clogged by false beliefs, intentional dark programming, shame, trauma, abuse, a lack of support for children to uphold their natural God creative energy state, religion trauma, past life trauma memories, and more.

My Soul's work to help free humanity into her FULL creative, abundant, flowing, loving nature.... is to help people be, create from, live from and allow their entire lives to be created from this infinite energy that we are of. 

The Deconstruction of the false self:

On a personal level, the work looks like deconstructing generations worth of limiting, fear based, shame based, trauma or abuse based patterns. I am an expert in the subtle energy realms. This is where I help my clients the most; because I am able to SEE the parts of them that are being controlled, distorted, limited or abused by outer wordly sources that aim to stop them from harnessing their Soul's, joyful, creative energy from themself. 

Inner Child Safety and Freedom:

I am highly passionate about freeing the inner child within. Your inner child is the same thing as your Soul! The inner child voice is often nearly inexistent due to trauma and abuse. I know that it can be triggering to face shame and abuse (that absolutely exists and is actually rampant in society); but the spiritual, creative, sexual & psychological freedom that births forth is WELL worth it! and actually, your whole family lineages and Soul lineages, plus your children and their children, benefit GREATLY by you being brave & setting yourself free! 

Financial abundance through God:

Money is just an idea. It is abundant and widely available on this planet. If you feel it has been kept from you, well, it has! The financial systems were set up that way here on planet Earth a long time ago & to this day are used to enslave the average humans precious time and creative energy to their paycheck. Here at Katie Awake Online, we do Christ Money River Flow. This is a large and in depth subject; I recommend reading my web page Christ Money Portal here to learn more if you feel called to. 

The energy healings occur rapidly, profoundly and through gentle joy!

I do my best to be a clear channel for God, my Angels and Saints that work through me. They show up as beautiful healing lights that work with my clients. The result of our sessions are you living and breathing IN the creative flow of God- as you are meant to! You OF COURSE deserve to be fully who you are! In your innate joy, innate abundance, inifnite worth and in harmonious - joy producing - relationships. The work is so, so WORTH IT! 

You were born with a blueprint for your entire life, love relationships, children, creative flow work, abundant relationship with money .... a plan for how your Soul can fully actualize and bring through your uplifting service work to humanity. 


Read the web page 'Healing Rays of Light' here for more details of how the healings work. 

"When you have had a conversation with an Angel. So many light bulb moments, so much has shaken and shifted in me through conversation.

 I say shaken because the impact of the awareness has been huge, yet it was done in the most gentle, subtle way possible. Thank you to the beautiful Katie Awake. I feel you. I see you. I honour you.  Much love and gratitude for your supportive, grounding, and truly divine guidance.

You know how our lovely puppies can hear frequency that we can't. It feels like Katie has a vibration that only certain people can hear. My goodness she is an Angel.  If you have ever felt her vibration calling you - lean in and listen up. Thank you Katie Awake -  🙏truth in such a gentle, loving delivery.  Direct in love. Music to my ears."

Beckie, Australia

What does a 1:1 Soul Ignite Mentorship with Katie include?

Through this year together you will:

  • Embody your Soul's blueprint for your life - this will be the plans that give you the deepest fulfillment and highest expression of your creativity 

  • Make even more money from doing what you are naturally great at! 

  • Fortified, healthy, strong, breatheable, loving and clear boundaries in your own energy field and relationships

  • Soul retrieval (this means to bring your whole inner child and soul back into oneness inside, spiritually)

  • We Spritually midwife your soul into natural union with God - this is also your fullest expression now as a human sensual, happy, and rich woman! Inside and out!

  • You come into natural, sacred union relationship with your partner or spouse 

You receive:

  • ​Weekly 1:1 healing/coaching calls with me

  • Unlimited text support and instant remote healings from me

  • A spiritual connection with me that evokes accelerated deep healing, quantum upgrade and epiphany on every level


You can expect:

  • To be pushed & ushered through resistance to your highest, deepest self

  • Healing at the core of the core of abuse and trauma so you can claim your Sovereignty

  • Retrieval and recovery of inner child innocence

  • Guidance for healthy boundaries in your relationships

  • Generations worth of healing at an ancestral level at light speed

  • Relief at the root of physical, mental and emotional pain

  • Past life healing

  • To die and be reborn spiritually many times over

  • Next level visibility, joy and wealth 

  • Greater access to intimacy in your relationships

  • FINALLY REAL spiritual freedom that your Soul has been seeking

  • Exponential heart opening

  • Experience your divine spiritual and financial inheritance from God through sharing your Soul's sacred teachings on Earth

Ready to ignite your soul mission work and financial abundance through God? Ready for rapid transformational, yet gentle, healing?

SOUL IGNITE is OPEN for enrollment

We currently have 5 spaces open for a full year of healing and coaching with Katie.

Your investment is $20,000

There is a $4000 discount if paid in full and up front,

or payment plans are available

A full year of mentorship with Katie also includes ALL of our other courses and programs throughout the year


Would you like to chat with Katie, ask questions and find out exactly what spiritual and material results you would have in a year of Soul Ignite Mentorship?

On your call, I'll be excited to hear all about your healing journey, your goals and your soul business visions! We will make a map together through the creative energy of God for how your healings and business results will occur. ~Katie

What Katie's clients say...

“Katie Awake is amazingly intuitive and does a wonderful job seeing her clients and their needs. I always discover new aspects of myself or my life when I work with her. She is simply full of healing, magic and love."

Daniel / Grief Coach

Katie walked me through everything she was doing in a thorough and clear manner. The healing was extrememly transformative and I continue to experience the effects even weeks after. Highly recommend if you're ready for quantum-level healing!"

Isa / Life Coach

"I'm more connected on a soul level, and Katie helped me integrate my spirit into my work- something I've struggled with throughout my entire adult life. Our work together has helped me feel expansive, free, and powerful. These are traits I knew were buried within me, but I had trouble accepting them and stepping into my power fully."

Stephanie/ Life Coach & Intuitive Healer


Film photagraphy by my talented husband
Ross Perry
Follow his work on Instagram @ross_william_perry

Get in touch

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