A river of abundance flows through your heart constantly!
Listen to Christ Money Audio Broadcasts here:
The physical realm is a perfect mirror to your consciousness.
Pay attention to the energy, beliefs, emotions and actions you attach to your experience with money.
In Christ Money Portal you come into PEACE inside yourself and in ALL of your relationships, including your relationship with wealth creation.

Hi! I'm Katie.
Christ Money Portal is the gift God gave me through 7 years of upgrading my relationship to money! I am so, so delighted to share these maps into innate Abundance with you! I live in St. Paul, MN with my hubby in a lovely little town. I am an energy reader, healer, abundance guide, sacred marriage guide and coach.
7 Abundance Ascension steps you receive through live trainings with Katie and weekly homework:
(These are all the phases of embodying abundance God has taken me through over the last 7 years! I am so so deeply happy to share this map with you!!!)
1. Christ Money spiritual attunement
Receive gold and blue creative light from God to your DNA
Embody, remember and shift into the natural abundance of your Soul
You will have an influx of business and financial actions steps shown to you via your God Connection
2. Little Queens Rose Ceremony
Reunion between our unconditionally loving Mother/Father God and your inner child
Restoration of innate infinite worthiness and inner safety
Your heart will BLOOM with true foundation & boundaries in God's image
3. Dissolve all lack energies into the true infinite river of Christ Money through your heart
Your heart is the Christ Money Portal
Lack, scarcity and poverty energies end now
You will practice being IN the infinite flow of Christed Abundance as it becomes normal for you again (Your Soul is already Abundant in God)
4. Focus on Abundance 100%
What you focus on becomes real
God is the real Source of Abundance
Focus on this Truth and it opens your eyes to SEE abundance in all forms including infinite money flow in your life
5. God is your true Source of money
Your heart chakra opens infinitely as you REMEMBER God is abundance therefore YOU are abundance
Play, glee and FUN become normal for you again in business and money flow
You'll be pleasantly surprised and elated the more you experience natural ease with money
6. Receive God's Favor as your infinite financial inheritance in physical form
God/All of creation IS literally WHO you are...everything you desire WANTS to BECOME
We will teach on God's Favor and guide you in receiving this over yourself, your life, your relationship, family, business and finances. This is God's will.
Choosing to now receive God's favor over your finances is God's will
7. Be IN infinite consciousness & make your Soul Creative Visions physical
Creations from God through you - whether they be a book, program, new job etc. birth through you - the key is to let it through and take action
A key step to manifesting your Soul's prosperity in physical form is following directions from the infinite consciousness of God inside - this is completely unique to you!
All of the previous steps make this soul creation birthing process easier and easier - it is nearly the exact opposite of how society asks us to fit within existing molds and is instead about following your Christ Money River flow inside your heart. This shifts you into your natural leadership and worldy success.
Recorded material AND
weekly live session
Upon enrolling you receive an organized guide of all 7 original steps of Christ Money Spiritual Attunement to watch at home on your own time.
We meet once a week live Wednesdays 2pm CST for a live transmission. Katie works through her connection with God to deliver you the exact messages, guidance, epiphanies and coaching you need to thrive in your Soul Mission work and your Abundant flowing finances.
Christ Money Audio Broadcast Channel
Upon enrollment you have access to 20+ inspiring
Christ Money audio broadcasts that support you to
now be the infinitely abundant being that you are
Katie creates new audio broadcasts
for the group every week
Open the Christ Money audios like an abundant feast
every morning, while you're cooking or in
formal meditation every day to normalize yourself
and your money in the holy
frequency of Abundance in your life
Your outer reality manifests as a mirror to your consciousness.
What Katie's clients say...
“Katie Awake is amazingly intuitive and does a wonderful job seeing her clients and their needs. I always discover new aspects of myself or my life when I work with her. She is simply full of healing, magic and love."
Daniel / Grief Coach
“Katie walked me through everything she was doing in a thorough and clear manner. The healing was extrememly transformative and I continue to experience the effects even weeks after. Highly recommend if you're ready for quantum-level healing!"
Isa / Life Coach
"I'm more connected on a soul level, and Katie helped me integrate my spirit into my work- something I've struggled with throughout my entire adult life. Our work together has helped me feel expansive, free, and powerful. These are traits I knew were buried within me, but I had trouble accepting them and stepping into my power fully."
Stephanie/ Life Coach & Intuitive Healer
Through our work together, your own energy will ascend into being the peace, tranquility and abundance of God. This peaceful energy will seep into all of your creative endeavors, relationships and finances; it is your natural state.
See you on the inside!
Choose your membership level:
Once your purchase is complete I will send you your welcome email and all the details you need to begin! Celebrating you! ~Katie